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Join Us in Empowering Communities to Withstand Crises

As with other disasters, it’s likely that COVID-19 will impact emerging economies more severely than well-off economies. It will deplete their ability to withstand other significant crises that will continue to happen, such as earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, and climate-induced hazards. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can help.

If anything, this worldwide crisis highlights the importance of our preventative and proactive work of almost 30 years. While the majority of disaster funding goes to reactive measures, we focus on keeping communities safe in the first place. We take on disasters before they happen.

We work in a way that empowers people to understand and manage their risk. We tap into a range of international expertise and local knowledge, bringing technical rigor and feasible solutions. These efforts endure because the community owns this process. We are catalysts for change.

We can’t do this work without your help. In a world upended by COVID-19, we face the hard reality of funding delays due to society-wide shutdowns. Your support is critical to filling in the gaps, allowing us to maintain our presence and support communities that face extreme risk. We need you.

I invite you to join us in our WeCare 2020 campaign. Our Board members and corporate sponsors have generously stepped forward in these challenging times with a $45,000 matching challenge. Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar through May 31st. Your support matters more than ever.

Please contribute today at Thank you for your support. We are grateful for your commitment to our mission and organization.

Wishing you health and safety,

Veronica Cedillos,

President & CEO

The GeoHazards International team

Haiti · Dominican Republic · India · Bhutan · Nepal · U.S.A.

For their support of the WeCare2020 challenge, a huge thank you to our board members and these

corporate sponsors:

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