Today, we honor the people across Haiti whose efforts, large and small, are building a future that is safer from disasters. Ten years ago, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, the densely populated capital. Losses were devastating. An estimated 220,000 - 316,000 people died, mostly in unsafe buildings. Half of the nation's schools were damaged or destroyed per Ministry of Education estimates.
Most Haitian cities still face a similar threat: active faults could generate damaging earthquakes, and in some cases a lethal tsunami. Our Haitian staff members are working before the next disaster. Today they are remembering the 2010 earthquake victims, but also taking action in their communities.
The GeoHazards International team
Haiti · Dominican Republic · India · Bhutan · Nepal · U.S.A.

GeoHazards International's Garmalia Mentor-William and Jean Brunel Pierre giving a presentation on seismic and tsunami hazard in Haiti on the 10th anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake.