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Assessments & Scenarios

People have a hard time visualizing how a major threat could become a disaster that will affect them and their family, in specific ways, for months and years. Local leaders are often overwhelmed by the scale of the problem, or in some cases are not aware of it.


That’s why we develop disaster scenarios that personalize the impacts. That’s why we assess the specific vulnerabilities of local buildings and infrastructure. Our process engages diverse voices along with local and international experts. The results make complex problems approachable and provide a compelling basis for local decisions about growth, policy, and action.



Next Generation Scenarios: Studies and Guidance

2020 - 2024


Geologic hazards scenarios provide an excellent mechanism for thinking through complex problems in advance of earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions.

By showing specific consequences–to people, buildings, infrastructure, and land–a scenario approach makes technical information understandable. People can envision what could happen in their own community, and they can make informed decisions to limit potential harm and damage.

Our research shows that scenarios can strongly motivate communities to implement long-term risk mitigation actions. But there is room for improvement in the way scenarios are developed, particularly in low-resource international contexts. Our research considered: How could scenarios be improved to motivate mitigation actions and policy change? Too often, past geologic hazard scenarios stopped at characterizing the risk and did not link these findings to policy and implementation pathways.

Rapid Post Earthquake Community-Sourced Data Collection



A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti’s southern peninsula in August 2021, causing extensive building failures that killed thousands.

Seismic Resilience Evaluations

2013, 2016 - 2018


This program developed practice in Bhutan to identify the structural vulnerabilities of local buildings before an earthquake occurs, which can inform risk mitigation, and developed detailed guidance for life-safety evaluations of local buildings after an earthquake, which can help the country manage efficient recovery.

Knowledge Exchange and Technical Advising for Infrastructure Risk Management



This program addressed the resilience challenges of water supply systems located in steep terrain, specifically in two India hill cities: Aizawl in Mizoram, and Shimla in Himachal Pradesh.

Kerala BRCA (Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment)


Kerala, India

GeoHazards International brought together international, national and state-level experts to conduct a BRCA focused on the Government of Kerala’s vision for climate and disaster resilience, energy conservation, and green buildings.


“Scenarios depict how a plausible event could cause certain losses, and how proactive changes would lead to safer outcomes. We typically include stories and local voices to personalize our science-based findings.”

Janise Rodgers, PhD.

GeoHazards International




“I admire GHI because no one else is doing the independent, objective work they're doing. They're not constrained by bureaucracy or politics — so they can offer expertise, provide access to a network, bring resources together — and do all those things with integrity.”

Former Senior Regional Advisor, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance



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